Podcast - A new ritual was born.

Podcast - A new ritual was born.

As a mother, you carry the mental load of the household, whether you're working outside the home or are a stay-at-home mom.

I had days after dropping the kids at school where I would just feel numb, staring across the dining room table. Our sensory-sensitive and highly dysregulated child of four would send me into a state of overwhelm, making it hard to recover or shake off my own dysregulation.

I discovered how music and movement could alter my state! Some days, a song would release the cry I needed or energize me into thinking, "I GOT THIS!"

And so, a new ritual was born!

Here’s my first music podcast—a slow electronic mix designed to help you get into the headspace for ritual, reflection, stillness, breathwork, meditation, daydreaming, and slowing down. I hope listeners will take the time to slow down,vreflect & enjoy.



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